Expert Speaker in Entrepreneurship & Youth STEM

Eileen Brewer

How I can help you?

You must do the things you think you cannot do. - Eleanor Roosevelt

Eileen Brewer is a global catalyst in STEM education, entrepreneurship, and 21st-century job readiness. As an esteemed advisor, speaker, and workshop leader, she has a far-reaching impact that transcends borders. With her dynamic approach to knowledge-sharing, Eileen equips the next generation and budding entrepreneurs with the tools they need to excel.

Expertise & Influence

  • Government/Embassies: Eileen is a trusted voice in the public sector, conducting lectures and interactive workshops primarily focused on STEM education for youth and entrepreneurship.
  • Academia: Partnering with schools and universities, Eileen leads workshops on STEM, 21st-century job trends, and essential soft skills for career success.
  • Entrepreneurship: From ideation to pitch decks, Eileen’s workshops are a crash course in startup essentials.

Global Footprint

Her work has received international recognition, featuring her as a panelist, advisor, or speaker in events spanning multiple continents:

  • Director of the Takween Accelerator, Kurdistan/Iraq
  • Mentor for Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship, USA
  •  Pitch Judge for the US State Department’s GIST competition, India
  • Board Member and Tech Advisor for WAKE International, USA

Recent Highlights

  •  In 2021, Eileen was a panelist for France’s Emerging Valley Summit and conducted multiple virtual workshops for the UN’s Education 4 Justice initiative.
  • In 2020, she facilitated multiple workshops in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Pakistan, and the USA, serving as a mentor and board member for various organizations.

Eileen’s dedication to nurturing talent and driving change is not just her mission—it’s her calling. Join her as she continues to pave the way for innovation, inclusion, and global progress.


Turning ideas into a startup


Pitch training for entrepreneurs


Inspiring youth to pursue STEM


Panelist, Speaker and Leader

Organizations Eileen has worked with

    Ahmed Dawood Salman

    I get to know Eileen through Takween Acceleration Cohort as a trainer and director of the program. Throughout the cohort, Eileen showed great eagerness to help our startup grow.

      Ceasar Zarita, COO

      As a startup mentor and investor in the region, it has been a real pleasure to meet Eileen and support the activities of the Takween Accelerator.

        Bassim Nimeh, Growth Lead

        We met on zoom and worked for a year together remotely across seven different time zones and internet speeds. Eileen was the manager everyone wanted to work with

          Randi Barznj

          Eileen amazes me with her exceptional knowledge as an entrepreneurial professional.

            Nico Popp - CPO

            Eileen drives for excellence from her teams, her peers and the company.

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